Saturday, December 30, 2006


Nov 7, 2006

I am currently being inspired by the ninth mandala to bring forth knowing from within. Once upon a time my days were spent with MSI, my Teacher, as he translated and I would work at it. I would work at getting it right. It was an assumption of mine that there was a right way to do it and if I learned all the rules, starting with the alphabet which, even that seemed to elude me, I would come up with the right answer.

All of that has changed. The difference is like night and day. Now it is a screen with which I portray what I already know inside. I know when I get it right because it sings the song of my heart; it is a truth that enlivens and is juicy. It has and promotes vitality. It is showing me what true learning and teaching are. True learning is recognition within.

In some ways I learned this a long time ago. I was a Montessori teacher for many years. Within the classroom the teaching took place through the environment. Our task as facilitators of learning was to observe the children and make materials specific to their interests, both noting what arena held interest as well what unconscious inner drive was motivating their activities and choices. A good Montessori teacher, I knew, had a well developed sense of observation. Not only of the children but of themselves as it is through modeling that other teaching takes place. Nonetheless, I knew no child learns to read from another, it is always an internal process requiring the child to be exactly where they are. And, I remember the delight within the children as they discovered these shapes we call letters actually said something. They had the keys to a whole new world.

It is the same with all true teaching and learning. My Teacher used to say that all true teachings point the finger back to one’s own heart.

I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for MSI. He introduced me to Sanskrit. He gave me a key that I am only beginning to fully appreciate.

I would like to share with everyone the unbounded love, inspiration and appreciation inherent in these ancient texts. I do not claim to be a Sanskrit scholar, merely one driven to truth and freedom.
Let us begin.

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Ninth Mandala 61.16

Self purifying has conquered.That I may regard with wonder; heaven clear;Light, mighty, and belonging to all men.
This verse is not a wish, rather a declaration. The depth of this declaration is seen in the fullness of the words light and mighty. The light referred to is the light of the sun, dawn, fire, lightening, the heavenly bodies, planets, stars, etc. and is referring to the three worlds; earth, the intermediate region and heaven. It is personified as fire on earth, ether in the intermediate regions and the sun in heaven. It is light as the divine principle of life and a type of freedom or bliss. It also makes reference to the light of the eye.Mighty can also mean lofty, great, bright (luminous body), clear (sound), children of heaven, the shining ones and the gods. Both this and the previous word are companions of Indra, which is the personification of evolving consciousness.One more note to add to the fullness of this verse is chitram, for which I have used clear. It also implies to be attentive, to recover consciousness, to aim at, or intend.

The Ninth Mandala 61.14

In the same manner as that, by praise-exaltLike a child, lay to rest in true splendorTo gain the heart through Evolving Consciousness
The implications of the first line are that praise is the weft to the weave, or abode is to dwell. Praise is that which moves in and out of creation, it is what is more concrete, tangible and changing in the absolute union with the unchanging. Soma is also the manifest song of God.In the second line the word splendor could also be light or sound. Different nervous systems have exalted certain senses and so will initially experience something through that sense, be it sound or sight, they are facets of the same jewel.The last line could also read, “To win the heart of Evolving Consciousness”. The word translated as heart is speaking of the seat of feeling and emotions and the interior of the body.

The Ninth Mandala 61.11

Here in our presence, the true human self which perceives individuality, near the sounds, wish to increase soma in the mighty tree.
True can also mean a master or devoted. The word I have translated as the self which perceives individuality can also be the self underlying the body, all pervading, all gods or in all places. Within each individual is an essence that is beyond all of the ideas we hold about ourselves. It does not change as thoughts and desires, rather it is the self we are born with, sleep with and grow old with. This non-changing self is eternal and all ways present. Notice the verse says that which perceives individuality, not the individual. This self is beyond being objectified. (See 61.7) Sounds can also mean roaring. Silence is full, not empty. Once we can intentionally move awareness to sit in silence it is anything but silent. There is an underlying “roar” beneath every sound.What I have translated as tree can mean so many things, yet all pointing to the underlying truth; in the same way one could call the sun light, heat or the source of life, all are correct and illuminating. They all are speaking of the human nervous system and through the diversity of meaning expand understanding of its potential. Vana can mean wooden vessel, love, desire, soma plant, tree and master of. The nervous system is a vessel for manifest love. To love, or purely desire, is to be master of. Another interesting note is that the Latin word venia is the root of Venus.
Here is our presence, the all pervading master human self, near roaring, wish to procure and bestow Soma in abundant love.

The Ninth Mandala 61.10

I give both elevated and of darkness, of the earth and of the sky; to raise my self in delight to the great sounding of the Universal Spirit.To be born.
To give is to turn over to, to not be attached or identified with some thing, be it an object or idea. In this wonderful “new age” era many are willing to give the darkness but want to keep the light; want to renounce the earthly and identify with the heavens. This will always keep one bound. To identify with anything is to cage a song, it can’t really be done. However, it can keep ones awareness from the One Song. To be truly born is to witness this all encompassing Song.

The Ninth Mandala 61.9

That may I purify sweet reverence for proclaiming, for immortal life, for the surveyor of all; in the beloved presence of those who preside over the day and night.
The intricacies of this verse are astounding. “For proclaiming, for immortal life, for the surveyor of all” addresses all of creation. It is the process of knowing, the known and the knower. Said another way; Holy Spirit, Son and Father. When these elements of creation are in balance one experiences a life of celebration, a song of all, the uni-verse. All the while acknowledging the source of all that can be experienced, “in the beloved presence of those who preside over the day and night, the duality of manifestation.While all of this is totally mind blowing and expansive the crux of the verse is what I am asking for. I am not asking to know or to be master of, rather to purify “sweet reverence for” all of this.

The Ninth Mandala 61.8

Effused with a means for purifying, the strengthened wooden vessel with the vital breaths; go toward the lord of the Sun, the source of Venus’ ray of light.

“A means for purifying” can also mean clearing the mind. I have found the most effective way to do this is not by focusing on the clearing, rather to consciously choose what your awareness will enliven. Awareness is the foundation to all experience and we have the ability to move it. Clearing the mind is a byproduct of intentionally using awareness. With this being done our physical form becomes strengthened and a receptacle for soma and the ability to access the five vital breath.“The strengthened wooden vessel” is the union of male and female. Wood represents the vertical energy of male while a vessel suggests a womb. This union enlivened with the vital breaths equates immortal life.Not only does this verse then state that we move toward, or become conscious of this movement to the greatest manifestation of pure consciousness in this sector of the Universe; it reminds us of this journey. Venus represents the process of knowing. Venus not only shows us beauty and love, but also delusion. It is through the experience of duality that one comes to know union.

The Ninth Mandala 61.7

Approach That, the ten fingers helping embellish union, the mother waters with the unknown Eternal and Infinite expanse.
This verse, as is the whole ninth mandala is about soma. My experience of soma is that it is the link or substance of expansion or union with the divine. Vitality is a by product of soma. There is nothing self animated without soma. However, there are few that are cognizant of its existence, awareness is mandatory. For illustration:Imagine a time you fell in love. It could be with a person, a moment, a place. Close your eyes and remember for a few minutes. Do you notice anything different within you? This is the activation of soma.Most people associate this activation of soma, or good feeling, with an object. Through this simple association fear creeps in and this erroneous thinking promotes a need for an object to experience soma. This is not true. The verse is saying “Approach That”, soma, not an object.The next part of the verse is dual. The implication is that there are two sets of ten fingers. To make this duality clear the word “embellish” can also mean destroy. Therefore, it is as if we have two distinct ways of moving throughout creation; embellishing the mother waters or destroying our experience of them. “The mother waters” is not only of the earth but also of the sky. With this being so we know that it is not literal in what we know water to be, more the essence and quality. What are the qualities of water? Water is flexible and versatile, changing its state from solid, liquid and gas within a comparatively small temperature range, remaining in integrity. The structure of water is that it fuses with other substances. It is reflective. What I have translated as “Eternal and Infinite Expanse” is huge in its meaning and implications. Adi means first, in the beginning, commencement. Aditi comes from Adi with its first meaning being free. This freedom is without an object, not free of something, rather the expression of freedom. If you sit with this a minute you begin to see how the brain cannot “grok” such a concept as it cannot be conceptualized; only experienced. Words that attempt to describe this are security, safety, boundlessness, immensity, inexhaustible, abundance, unimpaired condition, perfection, creative power. It later came to be objectified as an Indian goddess who was the mother of all the gods; which is an attempt to objectify the currents of creation. As reverence to the brain continued the original communication was further materialized into the word cow.The word translated at “mother” not only means mother but all female ancestors. Let your mind drift to the feeling of being in the presence of the grandchildren, daughters, mothers, aunties, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and you get a feel for this word. It is joyful, easy, active and full of potential.

The Ninth Mandala 61.6

Having trouble with this one.

The Ninth Mandala 61.5

That which supports the means of purifying Soma, flow toward the waves of existence; be gracious.

“The waves of existence” comes from the root word Urmi which has its root in Ri. The six are enumerated as cold and heat (of the body), greediness and illusion (of the mind), and hunger and thirst (of life); according to others, hunger, thirst, decay, death, grief, and illusion. The number one translation is a wave of pain or passion or grief.
The implications of the meaning of this word are astounding to me. I had always considered the current state of the world to be short in duration; however, this word is ancient, about 1700-1100 BCE is estimated of its origin. If someone were to ask me what the waves of existence are I would say toward Truth, as a byproduct destroying all that is illusory. The waves designated to the body are merely experiences without judgment, whereas the others all imply a resistance

The Ninth Mandala 61.4

That being purified; we, the means of purification, approaching close intimacy toward thou. I Choose.

The Ninth Mandala 61.3

Abundantly requesting to know all light; Evolving Consciousness, rich in light; is possessing both 1,000, gold-like, refreshing, wet waters of the sky.

There are two different kinds of light in this verse; representing the feminine/masculine and the manifest/potential principle. Throughout time and space (ages and cultures) the distortion of the understanding of this balance is played out in many different ways. However the similarities reveal the underlying misperception. There is a tendency to embrace heaven or earth, not both. How can there be contentment during the night when there is only an acceptance of the light of the sun?
This principle is more easily accepted when observing nature. Do we mourn for the loss of the bud as the flower opens? Do we lament for the days of summer as the nights become longer? Do we cry at the injustice as the sun melts the delicate prisms of frost?
Light and dark are one.
With this understood a more clear translation of the underlying meaning of this verse would be:

Abundantly requesting to know the seven rays of manifest light; with the help of Evolving Consciousness, rich with both manifest and un-manifest, imperishable, refreshing, wet waters of the sky.

Another word that has an interesting lineage is hari. It is generally translated as gold. However, gold is merely a representation of imperishable matter.

The Ninth Mandala 61.2

This here in our presence; the dual senses abundantly dripping that which you know, the ardent passion for Evolving Consciousness. Oh! This day He does praise, anew.

The “dual senses” are indicative of perception. They are called the senses of perception as it all inevitably comes back to the observer and what they bring into the present moment as the basis for interpretation. A rope can easily be perceived and experienced as a snake. We continually experience the world through a nervous system caught in the past. This verse reminds us of the lenses we perceive the world through. These lenses are dual in nature. The primary split is evolution or devolution. There is a confidence within the Holy Spirit that either way it eventually leads back to the source. Therefore there is juice supplied for either direction, all the while knowing it only requires becoming present, anew, that the current of love and praise will be known.