Saturday, December 30, 2006


Nov 7, 2006

I am currently being inspired by the ninth mandala to bring forth knowing from within. Once upon a time my days were spent with MSI, my Teacher, as he translated and I would work at it. I would work at getting it right. It was an assumption of mine that there was a right way to do it and if I learned all the rules, starting with the alphabet which, even that seemed to elude me, I would come up with the right answer.

All of that has changed. The difference is like night and day. Now it is a screen with which I portray what I already know inside. I know when I get it right because it sings the song of my heart; it is a truth that enlivens and is juicy. It has and promotes vitality. It is showing me what true learning and teaching are. True learning is recognition within.

In some ways I learned this a long time ago. I was a Montessori teacher for many years. Within the classroom the teaching took place through the environment. Our task as facilitators of learning was to observe the children and make materials specific to their interests, both noting what arena held interest as well what unconscious inner drive was motivating their activities and choices. A good Montessori teacher, I knew, had a well developed sense of observation. Not only of the children but of themselves as it is through modeling that other teaching takes place. Nonetheless, I knew no child learns to read from another, it is always an internal process requiring the child to be exactly where they are. And, I remember the delight within the children as they discovered these shapes we call letters actually said something. They had the keys to a whole new world.

It is the same with all true teaching and learning. My Teacher used to say that all true teachings point the finger back to one’s own heart.

I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for MSI. He introduced me to Sanskrit. He gave me a key that I am only beginning to fully appreciate.

I would like to share with everyone the unbounded love, inspiration and appreciation inherent in these ancient texts. I do not claim to be a Sanskrit scholar, merely one driven to truth and freedom.
Let us begin.

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