Friday, December 29, 2006

The Ninth Mandala 61.14

In the same manner as that, by praise-exaltLike a child, lay to rest in true splendorTo gain the heart through Evolving Consciousness
The implications of the first line are that praise is the weft to the weave, or abode is to dwell. Praise is that which moves in and out of creation, it is what is more concrete, tangible and changing in the absolute union with the unchanging. Soma is also the manifest song of God.In the second line the word splendor could also be light or sound. Different nervous systems have exalted certain senses and so will initially experience something through that sense, be it sound or sight, they are facets of the same jewel.The last line could also read, “To win the heart of Evolving Consciousness”. The word translated as heart is speaking of the seat of feeling and emotions and the interior of the body.

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