Friday, December 29, 2006

The Ninth Mandala 61.11

Here in our presence, the true human self which perceives individuality, near the sounds, wish to increase soma in the mighty tree.
True can also mean a master or devoted. The word I have translated as the self which perceives individuality can also be the self underlying the body, all pervading, all gods or in all places. Within each individual is an essence that is beyond all of the ideas we hold about ourselves. It does not change as thoughts and desires, rather it is the self we are born with, sleep with and grow old with. This non-changing self is eternal and all ways present. Notice the verse says that which perceives individuality, not the individual. This self is beyond being objectified. (See 61.7) Sounds can also mean roaring. Silence is full, not empty. Once we can intentionally move awareness to sit in silence it is anything but silent. There is an underlying “roar” beneath every sound.What I have translated as tree can mean so many things, yet all pointing to the underlying truth; in the same way one could call the sun light, heat or the source of life, all are correct and illuminating. They all are speaking of the human nervous system and through the diversity of meaning expand understanding of its potential. Vana can mean wooden vessel, love, desire, soma plant, tree and master of. The nervous system is a vessel for manifest love. To love, or purely desire, is to be master of. Another interesting note is that the Latin word venia is the root of Venus.
Here is our presence, the all pervading master human self, near roaring, wish to procure and bestow Soma in abundant love.

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