Friday, December 29, 2006

The Ninth Mandala 61.16

Self purifying has conquered.That I may regard with wonder; heaven clear;Light, mighty, and belonging to all men.
This verse is not a wish, rather a declaration. The depth of this declaration is seen in the fullness of the words light and mighty. The light referred to is the light of the sun, dawn, fire, lightening, the heavenly bodies, planets, stars, etc. and is referring to the three worlds; earth, the intermediate region and heaven. It is personified as fire on earth, ether in the intermediate regions and the sun in heaven. It is light as the divine principle of life and a type of freedom or bliss. It also makes reference to the light of the eye.Mighty can also mean lofty, great, bright (luminous body), clear (sound), children of heaven, the shining ones and the gods. Both this and the previous word are companions of Indra, which is the personification of evolving consciousness.One more note to add to the fullness of this verse is chitram, for which I have used clear. It also implies to be attentive, to recover consciousness, to aim at, or intend.

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