Friday, December 29, 2006

The Ninth Mandala 61.9

That may I purify sweet reverence for proclaiming, for immortal life, for the surveyor of all; in the beloved presence of those who preside over the day and night.
The intricacies of this verse are astounding. “For proclaiming, for immortal life, for the surveyor of all” addresses all of creation. It is the process of knowing, the known and the knower. Said another way; Holy Spirit, Son and Father. When these elements of creation are in balance one experiences a life of celebration, a song of all, the uni-verse. All the while acknowledging the source of all that can be experienced, “in the beloved presence of those who preside over the day and night, the duality of manifestation.While all of this is totally mind blowing and expansive the crux of the verse is what I am asking for. I am not asking to know or to be master of, rather to purify “sweet reverence for” all of this.

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